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Registered Owners Topics:       Click on a question or click here to reveal all answers

-I don't have my serial number! I need it!

-I want to activate the full version but am having a problem

-I have a question related to creature packs

-My Dream Aquarium isn't working properly.

-I would like to know more about creature packs and add-ons

-Can the same serial number be used on both mac and PC?

-Do I get free upgrades?

Yes, there is no limit on the number of updates you can do. Your license will be good throughout the 1.xx series of Dream Aquarium releases, so there's no disadvantage to purchasing sooner rather than later. Dream Aquarium 2 will require an upgrade fee, but currently we anticipate this is a ways into the future.

-How can I get the latest update?

-I have several computers at home, and I'd like to have Dream Aquarium on all of them. Do I need to purchase multiple licenses?

-Can i give my serial number out to friends?

-Do you offer telephone support?

-I'd like to give a license as a gift. How do I do that?

-Can Dream Aquarium be used as an active desktop?

-Are there plans for a marine aquarium?

-Does the aquarium work in multiple-monitor mode?

-Is Dream Aquarium available as video on DVD or Blu-Ray?

-Will Dream Aquarium run as an app on my fancy new TV?

-Is there an instruction manual for Dream Aquarium?

-Is there a discussion forum for Dream Aquarium?

Question not answered? Please contact us

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