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Registered Owners Topics:       Click on a question or click here to reveal all answers

-I don't have my serial number! I need it!

-I want to activate the full version but am having a problem

-I have a question related to creature packs

-My Dream Aquarium isn't working properly.

-I would like to know more about creature packs and add-ons

-Can the same serial number be used on both mac and PC?

-Do I get free upgrades?

-How can I get the latest update?

-I have several computers at home, and I'd like to have Dream Aquarium on all of them. Do I need to purchase multiple licenses?

-Can i give my serial number out to friends?

-Do you offer telephone support?

-I'd like to give a license as a gift. How do I do that?

-Can Dream Aquarium be used as an active desktop?

-Are there plans for a marine aquarium?

-Does the aquarium work in multiple-monitor mode?

-Is Dream Aquarium available as video on DVD or Blu-Ray?

-Will Dream Aquarium run as an app on my fancy new TV?

Dream Aquarium requires a computer (either PC or Mac) in order to run, and will not run natively on newer TVs. It would require a video connection between your computer and TV - essentially you would use your TV as a computer monitor.

-Is there an instruction manual for Dream Aquarium?

-Is there a discussion forum for Dream Aquarium?

Question not answered? Please contact us

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