Affiliate Program Signup
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Affiliate Terms of Agreement
Your link is merely a sales referral mechanism, and creates no relationship between our company and you, except to the extent completed sales come to us through your link(s) and we compensate you for the completed sale referral. Neither party can bind the other to any agreement or obligation. Nor is any party the partner, agent, or representative of the other. Each party may cancel this link and affiliation at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to refuse a relationship with anyone. Dream Aquarium does not consider bulk emails (spamming) as an acceptable form of promotion, and reserves the right to terminate the agreement if the promoting party uses this type of 'advertising'. As well, Dream Aquarium may terminate the agreement if unfair advertising practises are found which unfairly compete against Dream Aquarium to promote itself, such as gaining a higher Google ranking for the terms "Dream Aquarium" and "Aquarium Screensaver". The use of cracked or pirated versions of software to distribute your cookies is also forbidden, and will void the agreement. We have methods in place to know if a cracked version was running on a machine. Machines running cracked versions at the time of purchase will not be counted in your commissions, and if suspicious activity is found could result in the forfeit of your earnings. Dream Aquarium agrees to keep proper record of actual total sales (sales minus refunds) attributable to the referrer, and make payments in a timely manner. Upon amicable termination of the agreement (as in the referer was not found to have violated the agreement), Dream Aquarium agrees to pay any outstanding balance greater than $20.
I have read and understood the preceeding, and agree to the terms.
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